Friday, February 11, 2011

Time to Rally

There are moments when I wish I had legions of readers. Okay, there are lots of moments.

I'm wishing for the legions at this moment because I want to do everything I can to get the word out about lending a hand to Robin and Keith Willoughby of Wil-Moore Farms. It's been less than a week since we heard the news that one of their barns had burned, and the local community has sprung into action.

There's a link to some more information about what happened at under News. There's also a link to make a donation via PayPal. This Saturday at the All-Local Farmers' Market, some of the vendors will be donating a portion of their sales to support Wil-Moore. They'll also be "passing the hat" and donating 50 percent of ALFM t-shirt sales.

Please do whatever you can to help out.

Small farms are a labor of love and a gift to the community. It involves long hours, hard work and occasional heartbreak. We're so fortunate to have Wil-Moore Farms and all the wonderful products they bring to our tables.

Hope to see you there.

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