Monday, September 17, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

Well, I missed Brim's actual anniversary by about a week, but given my track record with birthdays, anniversaries and holidays, that's not at all surprising. My family can attest to how many times they have received Christmas presents in March.

After one year, 97 posts and more great comments than I care to tabulate, I have to say writing a blog has been quite a experience. I've made some friends among my fellow bloggers, drunk some great wine and learned an awful lot. The main thing I've learned is that writing a blog (and doing it well) takes a lot of hard work. I'm a little embarrassed that there have been so few new posts lately, and I've even considered throwing in the towel. I can't expect my readers to take Brim seriously if I'm not taking it seriously.

However, I'm inspired by the efforts of some of my fellow bloggers. Wine blogs are getting much more respect these days thanks to the hard work of people like Dr. Debs at Good Wine Under $20, Lenn at Lenndevours and many, many others. Wine blogs inform, entertain and provide a welcome relief to the traditional wine press.

So, I'm going to give it another year. If I can put forth the effort to make Brim a good read, then it will live on. If not, I'll take it for that long walk in the woods - the one that involves a shovel.

Thanks to all my readers, past and present. Without your commentary and support, I never would have made it this far.
